
base on fact and中文是什么意思

  • 以事实为根据, 法律为准绳



  • 例句与用法
  • Creation and imposition of administrative penalty shall be based on facts and shall be in correspondence with the facts , nature and seriousness of the violations of law and damage done to society
  • Set out from the peculiar procedure value , function and purpose of the public prosecution , the construction of the concrete mode of this system should be followed the principles of judicial examination on the subject , and substantive examination on the range and the rules avoiding the forejudge , basing on fact and taking law as criterion , in order to accord with the legal spirit and procedural theory of the public prosecution
  • The results of the study illustrate that , ( 1 ) economic analysis is the key factor of the project ' s success or failure , so it is necessary for the market survey based on facts and proper analysis , ( 2 ) key pre - research proposal and successful implement is the most influence on the construction success or failure , so the management team should pay attention to the proper proposal , ( 3 ) the construction process can be guided by the generalization process index
    文章认为: ( 1 )经济分析是建设项目成败的决定性因素,因此如实的市场调查及科学的数据分析非常必要; ( 2 )重大方案的预研及成功实施是决定项目施工成败的关键,因此科学的预研施工方案值得项目管理人员重视; ( 3 )项目进度可用综合进展率来量化并可进行进度的宏观控制。这些研究成果对业主进行同类项目管理有非常重要指导意义。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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